Monday, September 29, 2008

Week 3

Hey ya gang! Whaz up? I had major issues over the weekend. Major as in there was no bathroom activity. With scrapbooking classes, weddings, and other events, I could not partake in shall we say, softeners. Ok, enough gross language.

I CANNOT continue South Beach. I absolutely love the diet. Truthfully, it's so easy. But it does NOT love me :( I was absolutely miserable and in horrible pain most of the weekend. I ate everything in site over the weekend and have drank soda all day yesterday and today. I am retaining this fluid so it's back to the Crystal light tomorrow.

I hate Weight Watchers, you lose weight slower than a snail's pace and I get frustrated with all the counting points, but it's the only thing that has ever worked for me before for any length of time. I refuse to give up.

The good thing is I STILL WEIGH ..............233.0 Can you believe it? I dunno, it's hard to figure. I'd like to have my own personal nutritionist and trainer. Anyone got some laying around?

My Christmas goal of 30 pounds is going to be too much I think. We're looking at just about 13 weeks, so that's putting it at 1.84 pounds per week to lose. I've lost 7 though, 23 more to go by then. If I should find out this week that I won the cruise, guess what girlfriends???? GAME ON ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
Check out my other blog for more info on that.

Ok, unless someone has any other ideas, I'm doing the old WW thing again. Man, I just hate that. Losing weight was so easy on SB, but it wasn't enough roughage I guess. I was eating about a 3-4 cup salad every day though. Whatever....

Till next time,

Friday, September 26, 2008

Day 12 -0 CW 233.0 TPL 7.0

I should just cut and paste all the week since that scale is not moving. I was contemplating this in the shower this morning and it hit, gross warning coming...

I am not regular shall we say and I have not been all week. I need to try to figure out what fiber I can get without the carbs. Otherwise I'm going to have to move on to another plan. I eat at least 3 cups of veggies per day, but I also eat string cheese when I'm hungry. Maybe I need to pick another choice and let up on the cheese. Yeah, yeah, that's the ticket.

Don't give up fellow dieters, I'm not and have no intentions of quitting. I'd just like to see a change here and there. But maybe after this weekend, I'll drop 2-3 pounds(no pun intended) and that would put me right in the 8-13 pounds South Beach claims you'll lose.

Have a great weekend! Don't know if I'll get to post till Monday. Got a scrapbook class tonight and tomorrow and tomorrow evening have a wedding to go to. Sundays are always catch up time. Good luck! L

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Day 10 Day 11 -0 -0 CW 233.0 TPL 7.0

These last few days have been mind boggling to me. I guess my body is trying to figure out what's going on. I have stayed the EXACT same all week long. I guess it's a good thing, I'm not gaining, but man, you'd like to get on the scales one morning and see it going somewhere.

The last three nights I've been on Ethan's WII Fit and exercising. According to the BMI and weight data on there, I've lost a couple of more pounds than what my scales say. So if I get on there in the morning and it's still the same, ignore the shattering glass sound you hear as I'm tossing them out the window ;)

I've been oh so good too this week with the South Beach plan. Only eating what's allowed and having HUGE salads at lunch time. I am not a meat eater per se', but at lunch time I tend to crave not only meat then, but something hot with my salad, so I've been taking pre-cooked turkey bacon or some other kind of allowed meat to re-heat and put that on it too. The other night I made a South Beach Taco Salad sans chips. Yummy it was really good and very filling too. I am finding I'm satisfied with either one egg or one piece of turkey sausage in the morning for breakfast. One thing I'm continuing to do as well is eat every 2-3 hours, never more than 4 hours apart. That contains the hunger to where you hardly think you're dieting.

I really like how I feel on this plan. No brain fog. Lots of energy. Clearer skin. These things happened right away too. This time around, I'm trying hard to focus on what I can accomplish and not what I fail to do. If I eat something not on the plan, so what? Life goes on. It's not CHEATING. It was a choice I made. When you think of it as cheating, you feel like a failure. When you take ownership of your choice and realize it was what you truly wanted at that time, then you knew there were possible consequences to go along with that choice. You can always make better choices the next time. And let's face it, none of us are perfect. Just don't set yourself up for FAILURE. Be happy with the little things that occur.

By the way it is DAY 11 for me WITHOUT SODA/POP. Coming from the girl who used to drink 44-68oz.+ PER DAY of cherry coke. My new favorite drink is Crystal Light Peach Mango, Metabolism +. I get the sweet taste, have my thirst quenched and a little caffeine to keep me boosted I suppose.

I BADLY want to lose 15 pounds this first month. That would put me at 225. That's not far off really. Halfway there. Maybe this will be the first Halloween in a long time I'll actually look forward to walking the neighborhoods with Stephanie Trick or Treating.

Thanks for stopping by, leave me a note and let me know your tips on South Beach and how well you're doing too. Lana

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Day 8 and 9 -0 -0 CW 233 TPL 7.0

Sorry guys for not posting the last couple of days. For details see my other blog, Bring it on home.

As for the dieting, I've been doing so well up till today. My problem was I didn't eat breakfast, skipped lunch because I had to take Ethan to the doctor and by the time supper came I was ravenous. I'd had some cheese and sausage bites about 11am, but tonight I ate HINT OF LIME Tostito's. I shouldn't have, but I did. Lots of salt so tomorrow's weigh in might be up. I hope not.

I watched the Biggest Loser tonight and they were saying on there typically week 2 is not really that great, so that's kind of a bummer. But if I stay the same and don't gain, I'll be a happy camper. We have a wedding to go to on Saturday night and it's always hard trying to stay on a diet plan when eating out.

I had a few fatty patty pics taken of me and if I get brave enough I'll post one here. I am so sorry I let myself go from where I was 4-5 years ago, let alone what I was when Greg and I got married. GeeManE!!!!however that word is spelled!

When I had Ethan at the doctor today we checked the BMI charts and they too said for me to be at a good BMI range, I need to be 130-145! Yikes! And in the "You on A Diet" Book, they say in there you should weigh about what you did when you were in your early 20's. And whaddayaknow????? I weighed around 130-135 back then. Go figure.

I didn't get here overnight and I normally detest that saying, but this time will be my LAST time of dieting and I am taking it one day at a time. I REFUSE to beat myself up because I "cheated" and had chips tonight. I will get back up and try again tomorrow.

I hope you all are inching towards your goals as I am. It's great to know you're not alone on this journey. Until next time, Lana.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Day 7 -0 CW 233.0 TPL 7

Got up this morning and weighed. I did not lose anything so I'm happy with that. We went out for Mexican last night for my birthday and then again with just the 4 of us this afternoon. We went to the Palace here in town and I had grilled pork shis-ka-bobs. They were delicious! I had steamed baby veggies on the side and unsweetened tea to drink. I also partook in a Greek Salad. Not sure what the carb content on it was. But all of it was VERY good and I don't think I ventured off plan too much. I know some of the things I've eaten the last 2-3 days haven't been in the South Beach Book, but I am trying to stay carb free as much as possible when eating out. I feel SO MUCH better on this plan. I know I've already said it before, but I am not hungry for the most part. If I were on Weight Watchers, I'd already been cheating then starving myself prior to weigh in. I do not need to do that with this. I can live with this style of eating and once I get into the next phase, adding back in fruits and other items, I am going to convert my family. It is all good for you and you just need to be careful and watch what kind of fats you take in. This is not Atkins where you can load up on a package of bacon fried in a potful of grease.

My plan this week is the same, you do phase 1 for two weeks, then move on. I am anxious to see how much I lose in week #2. I most likely will convert my titles to weeks at some point which will make it easier on me to figure my average weekly weight loss, but for now will keep it as a Day log.

If you're reading and on South Beach, post and let me know how it's going for you, how many pounds lost, how long you been on it, etc. I'd love to know how others have done and what I have to look forward to. Can't wait to post for the challenge tomorrow. Getting close to the 10 pound mark!!!!

Stay tuned!
I wanted to post this cute little thing yesterday, but didn't have time. And to think it's really 7 pounds in a week. The book says expect to lose 8-13 pounds the first two weeks. I'm well on my way to that! And really, it does seem like it has melted off.

I haven't weighed yet this morning. I'm almost afraid to since I ate out last night, but it's not all in the numbers/scale. It' how I feel and how my clothes fit which is great! My jeans are getting looser by the day and wow is that nice. I bought two pair in a size smaller this weekend at a re-sale shop. I will do that for a while so that I don't have to spend lots of money on clothes while I'm losing. You just can't beat $6.00 for two pair of jeans! And they look brand new at that.
Come back later for the official weigh in. Oh and by the way.....Happy Birthday to me! It's the big one!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Day 6 -1.5 CW 233 TPL 7.0

Isn't this just the coolest thing? This is the most weight I have ever lost in one week, but then it's also the most I've ever weighed too. I am positive a good lot of this is water weight, but to not be hungry and eating and losing weight, I think I've found a plan that is going to work for me.

Now we'll see come morning. I caved and had beef nachos at La Hacienda tonight, but I did have water instead of soda. I'm anxious to see how that affects it. I'm on such a good roll (no pun intended) that I hate to fall off the wagon now.

I've got the birthday to make it through tomorrow, and right back to plan tomorrow.

Till then,